Making The Most Out of The Worship Service for Your Child

Worship is acknowledging God for who He is. The Bible is full of names for God – Healer, Provider, Almighty, and Protector - just to name a few. Worship happens anywhere, and it can be alone or with others. When we come to church for worship service, every song, prayer, interaction with people, and message preached is intended to remind us of God’s character so that we are encouraged to remain faithful to Him and His ways in our daily lives.

Children’s and Teen Church provides an opportunity for your child to worship God in a context that caters to their age and learning styles. When these services are not offered, your child must glean truth in a worship service catered to adults. Because children and youth can have limited attention spans, we allow them to scroll on their phones or do other things that keep them occupied during the service. For some age groups, this is the best option. Yet, for those who are mature enough to listen and be engaged in the service, we encourage you to challenge them to take notes during the service.

Taking notes during the service will help them identify what truths are being shared during the various components of a worship service. These truths will sustain them when they encounter life’s challenges. Taking notes will also provide opportunities for conversation with your child around the truths shared. Parents/caregivers are the most important voices in a child’s life. Hearing your perspective on issues is impactful as they learn to make decisions for their lives.

When in worship service, encourage your student to take notes on the following:

  1. Worship songs

  2. Prayer requests

  3. Sermon titles and key points

  4. Upcoming activities

People have created unique note sheets for children and adults to use to capture what is learned in worship. Consider the following sheets for you and your child:





In the beginning, this may seem like more work for you, but you are training up your child to come to church to look for God’s truth instead of coming to church simply out of tradition. This distinction may keep them connected to God when they leave your home.

ESC Children’s Church and Teen Church takes place in person on the 1st& 3rdSundays of each month, except in August and December when these ministries are on hiatus. Consider giving this practice a try when these opportunities are not offered. Try it out yourself as well.